What we do

We're reinventing vacations to keep our planet the most beautiful place in the universe.
By redefining the rules of eco-responsible investment using Blockchain, we're creating the perfect union of host - traveler - investor.
Together, we're transforming vacation rentals and promoting sustainable tourism.
With us, hosts, travelers and investors form a mutually supportive ecosystem in which wealth circulates and is equitably redistributed.
Our values
More than 12 000 members already gathered by Globees on X, Discord and our Telegram groups.
+10 companies and associations associated with our project.
Commitment and co-responsibility
As part of our climate resilience plan, we will publish our targets and communicate our results in real time.
Test, evaluate and improve our platform.
We invite everyone to take an active part in the creation of Globees. Register, comment and share your opinions.
A new distribution of wealth and the creation of a win-win ecosystem.
Carbon footprint, water and electricity consumption... Information on each home will be available on-chain.
Blockchain at the service of travelers who want to invest in their planet.
Our history
It's the story of an idea, a simple idea that brings together all the stakeholders in sustainable tourism: to offer greater profitability to all players - owners, travelers, managers, entrepreneurs - while certainly reducing the carbon footprint of our activities.
To bring our idea to life, we leveraged the innovative MultiversX blockchain technology, and created a seasonal rental co-sharing platform through which we can change the game while actively combatting global warming.
Our team
A whole team united around one idea:
to make vacations the best investment

Hakim Korso Tlemsani

José F. Aznar

Sergi Valero

Hugo Manteau

Kahina Achour Tani

Sonia Da Conceiçao

Jérémie Cohen

Fedia Benammar

Ingrid Ventura

David Brooks

Fernando Aranda

Pierre Gasnier

Alexandre Frémont

Pascale Pessin Loiseau